Hi, I’m ALANA joy

I am very passionate about bringing joy to spaces. My love for organizing began in high school. I would go to my best friend’s house on the weekends and re-organize her room while she filled me in on the latest high school news.

Fast forward to college, I really developed a love and passion for productivity and simplified living. This helped me graduate early from Arizona State with honors while also working part time. I simply couldn’t afford to be disorganized. So, I found creative and sustainable ways to stay organized and on top of my schedule. Then I discovered, with the help of my social work degree, that I have the unique ability to help others understand the root cause of their disorganized space.

With the partnership of my mom, A Joyful Organizer was born. Together, we’ve created efficient tools and processes to help you turn your messy spaces into joyful places. Our homes are our safe place, and they should bring you joy, too. My objective is to help you do just that, make room for more joy.

Daughter & Mom Team

This mom and daughter team was established and built way before the creation of A Joyful Organizer. Alana and Shellie Berry have always loved being creative together and sharing all of their thoughts and ideas with each other… well… after Alana realized her mom is actually pretty cool and smart, too.

Many of their creative discussions sound a little bit like “Hey, what if we put this in a more productive spot so we don’t have to keep digging for this same item!” or “How can we shorten and optimize the amount of time we spend on this project?”. So when Alana was brewing ideas for starting a professional organizing business, she knew she had to bring her entrepreneur Mom along in the process (Yes, Shellie has “been-there-done-that” in the entrepreneurial world).

Together, they bounce ideas off of one another and develop mini-projects that they love improving and perfecting together. They challenge each other, uplift each other, and sometimes even get on each other’s nerves; all while working towards their mission to bring a little more joy into your world.

mission & Vision


Our Mission is to transform disorganized spaces into organized places; to educate people on how to maintain an efficient home and productive office; to expand organizational services and products country-wide; and to utilize social media platforms to reach busy moms, dads, teachers, and bosses.

OUr VIsion

The vision of AJO LLC is to lead the professional organizing industry by delivering innovative, simple, and sustainable solutions that increase productivity, order, and structure in the workplace, home, or classroom.